Monday, May 6, 2013

Flowering Quince. May

My poor poor Quince bushes!  I have several Quince bushes from Grammie's house in Medford.  They are that glorious watermelon, or perhaps Cerise red color.  I just love them.  However, they seem to hate my present location.  I had three until this week when I split one up and replanted the resulting two. I am desperately trying to find a location that they like.  My partner is not really a gardener.  He put a climbing Saul's Scarlet rose against his house in Chelsea Ma., and just watched it take off.  It liked it's location.  He cannot understand that plants have personalities like people, and that it sometimes takes just the right set of circumstances to have a nice plant or garden come together.  In the case of the quince...He is a murderer!  Every time he got onto the lawn mower for the years we have been here, he has mowed the Quince bushes flat!  That is he has mowed two of them...the third just hates the dry conditions it had against a fence at the back of the garden,  That is the one I moved recently.  The upshot of this is that I have had no blooms at all!!!!!!  I live in hope for next year.
I have to say that I just hate the horrible Scarlet Quince that I see everywhere.  It really is a bit more orange than scarlet.  In any event, orange, not being my favorite color in the garden to begin with, this plant leaves me cold.
I have two other quince in the yard.  One has been here two years and is blooming happily as you see here.  Very Pretty...but not Grammie's.
I have had these produce fruit...not many, but some.  You really cannot just eat Quince, but it cooks well, and produces a powerful Pectin for jellies and jams, and is neutral enough that you can flavor it with other fruits, spices etc., to make lovely preserves. 
In Maine...In the general Lewiston, Livermore area, The same watermelon color plant was planted on or near my Brother-in-law's family burial plots.  It became huge...the size of a small house...It was beautiful.... so, of course, the cemetary had them dug out.    

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